How to mirror one folder from one nas to another using rsync and fun_plug

A few visitors of this website requested a tutorial on how to synchronize one folder from one NAS to another one. Of course this tutorial requires fun_plug installed on your NAS.

Attention: I describe unencrypted connections ins this tutorial, for encrypted ones, please visit the online search provider of your choice with the keywords “rsync ssh”.

Attention: Existing configurations of the rsync-server are maybe overwritten. Users who changed something in this area are advised to integrate this tutorial in their configuration on their own.
Continue reading How to mirror one folder from one nas to another using rsync and fun_plug

Update of Twonkymedia Server 6 on the Conceptronic CH3MNAS, D-Link DNS-320,DNS-321,DNS-325 and DNS-343

Twonkymedia ServerGerman version of this tutorial

This tutorial is deprecated, please use the tutorial for the current version.

Since a while there is a new version of the Twonkymedia Server 6 available. Many readers asked me how to update to this version without loosing the configuration of the already installed version. This article describes the update for the following devices:

  • Conceptronic CH3MNAS
  • D-Link DNS-320
  • D-Link DNS-321
  • D-Link DNS-325
  • D-Link DNS-343

For other devices, please follow this article. If you are searching for the article regarding the initial installation (not the update), please look here for this.
Continue reading Update of Twonkymedia Server 6 on the Conceptronic CH3MNAS, D-Link DNS-320,DNS-321,DNS-325 and DNS-343

Update of Twonkymedia Server 6 on the Conceptronic CH3SNAS and the D-Link DNS-323

Twonkymedia ServerGerman version of this tutorial

This tutorial is deprecated, please use the tutorial for the current version.

Since a while there is a new version of the Twonkymedia Server 6 available. Many readers asked me how to update to this version without loosing the configuration of the already installed version. This article describes the update for the following devices:

  • Conceptronic CH3SNAS
  • D-Link DNS-323

For other devices, please follow this article. If you are searching for the article regarding the initial installation (not the update), please look here for this.
Continue reading Update of Twonkymedia Server 6 on the Conceptronic CH3SNAS and the D-Link DNS-323

Installation of PyLoad on Optware

PyLoadA few days ago i was asked if it would be possible to install PyLoad on the NAS-Systems. Pyload is a download-manager which is written in python and which provides a webinterface, a GUI Program and a CLI-Tool for management. The requestor needed a transfer-medium for his pictures. I found that interesting and investigated a little bit, but had to give up to get it natively running on Fonz fun_plug. I looked around the wiki of PyLoad and stumbled across optware. After a few problems i got everything together to get it running. A word of advice: Pyload needs about 40% of my 256MB Ram (D-Link DNS-325) when running, so if you experience performance-issues in transfers, maybe you should stop pyload first.
Continue reading Installation of PyLoad on Optware

Installation of Twonkymedia Server 6 on the Conceptronic CH3SNAS and the D-Link DNS-323

Twonkymedia Server

This tutorial is deprecated, please use the tutorial for the current version.

If you need an advanced Mediaserver, Twonkymedia Server is one of the best choices. The Problem is that the installation of Twonkymedia Server 6 is a little bit more complicated than just running a Setup. Before you go on, please make sure that the Fonz fun_plug is installed. The following article has only been tested on the CH3SNAS, DNS-323. An Article for other devices can be found here. If you want to update to the newest version of twonky (and if you’ve already followed this article in the past), then check this out.
Continue reading Installation of Twonkymedia Server 6 on the Conceptronic CH3SNAS and the D-Link DNS-323

Installation of Optware on the D-Link DNS-320, DNS-321, DNS-325, DNS-343, DNS-345 and Conceptronic CH3MNAS

Many people asked me to compile various packages over the last few years. Sometimes i was able to help and sometimes (in rare occasions) i had to reject a request when it was impossible to fulfill it. Then i often told the requestor to install optware which originated from the NSLU2-Project and provides many addition packages. I didn’t have experienc on this, so i had to leave them in the dark. Until recently. Continue reading Installation of Optware on the D-Link DNS-320, DNS-321, DNS-325, DNS-343, DNS-345 and Conceptronic CH3MNAS

Review und Test of the D-Link DNS-325 ShareCenter Shadow – First Pictures

D-Link DNS-325 A few days ago i’ve written about the announcement of the D-Link DNS-325 “ShareCenter Shadow”. I was lucky and got the DNS-325 a few days before the release (which is today). So i made a few pictures which i wanted to share with you.
Continue reading Review und Test of the D-Link DNS-325 ShareCenter Shadow – First Pictures

Syntax Highlighting with nano – nanorc for others

syntax "makefile" "(m|M)akefile$" "\.mak$"
icolor yellow start="^[[:space:]]*[.0-9A-Z_]" end="\=[[:space:]]|\:|\:\:|\/"
color brightgreen "((C|CXX|LD)FLAGS)|LIBADD|LIBS|include"
icolor cyan start="\{" end="\}"
icolor cyan start="\(" end="\)"
color brightyellow "\$"
color green "#.*$"
syntax "infile" ".in$" ".am$"
icolor brightgreen start="\{" end="\}"
color magenta "(if[[:space:]]|endif|else)"
color yellow "^[[:space:]]*[.0-9A-Z_](\\.|[^\"])*(\=|\:)"
color cyan "\((\\.|[^\"])*\)"
color cyan "@(\\.|[^\"])*@"
color brightblack "(\-[.a-z]*|\HAVE[.a-zA-Z_]*)"
color yellow "\/"
color brightblue ""(\\.|[^\"])*""
color brightyellow "(\$|dnl.*$)"
color green "#.*$"
syntax "spec" ".spec$"
color brightwhite "[0-9]"
color cyan "stub"
color yellow "pascal|stdcall|varargs|cdecl"
color brightyellow "\((\\.|[^\"])*\)"
color brightgreen "\@"
color green "#.*$"
syntax "configurelog" "config.log$"
color cyan "(\:.*$|\=.*$)"
color yellow ""(\\.|[^\"])*""
color magenta "[.0-9A-Z_a-z]*:"
color yellow "[.A-Z_a-z]*:[0-9]*:"
color cyan start="\/\*" end="\*\/"
color brightgreen "[[:space:]]yes"
color brightred "[[:space:]]no"
color green "#.*$"
color brightgreen "\|.*$"
syntax "texi" ".texi$"
color brightcyan "\((\\.|[^\"])*\)"
color yellow "(\{|\})"
color brightblue "\$"
color brightblack "\[(\\.|[^\"])*\]"
color brightyellow "@[.a-zA-Z_]*"
color cyan "^[[:space:]]*[.a-zA-Z_]*\:"
color brightred "@c[.a-zA-Z_]*"
color green "#.*$"
syntax "desktop" "\.desktop$"
color brightblue "\[(\\.|[^\"])*\]"
color yellow "=.*$"
color brightgreen "\="
syntax "lua" "\.lua$"
color brightwhite "[0-9]"
color cyan "local.*$"
color brightblack "\{|\}"
color brightgreen "\="
color red "\[|\]"
color yellow "\"(\\.|[^\"])*\""
color green "\-\-.*$"
syntax "m3u" "\.m3u$"
color green "#.*$"
color brightgreen "http.*$"
color yellow "\/"
color cyan "[.0-9a-zA-Z_-]*\.mp3"
syntax "bat" "\.bat$"
color yellow "%(\\.|[^\"])*%"
color brightyellow "set[[:space:]]"
color brightgreen "\="
color green "REM.*$"
syntax "authors" "AUTHORS$"
color brightgreen "((T|t)ranslators|(D|d)ocumenters|(A|a)uthors|(C|c)ontributors)"
color brightyellow "<(\\.|[^\"])*>"
color yellow "\@"
color cyan "\*.*$"
color brightcyan "\:"
color brightblue "\((\\.|[^\"])*\)"
color green "#.*$"
syntax "kconfig" "Kconfig$" "Kconfig.(cpu|debug)$"
color brightyellow "(<(\\.|[^\"])*>|\!)"
color brightyellow "\((\\.|[^\"])*\)"
color blue "source.*$"
color brightgreen "(ult[[:space:]]y|\"(\\.|[^\"])*\")"
color brightblue "ult[[:space:]]m"
color brightred "ult[[:space:]]n"
color magenta "default"
color cyan "config.*$"
color yellow "config|menu|(main|end)menu|choice|endchoice"
color brightcyan "(^[[:space:]](bool|def_bool|tristate|depends[[:space:]]on|select|prompt|range|help|string|int|hex))"
color brightmagenta "(\||\&)"
color brightred "\"off\""
color green "#.*$"
syntax "la_file" "\.la$"
icolor yellow "^[[:space:]]*[.0-9A-Z_]*="
color white "\="
color brightgreen "yes"
color brightred "no"
color brightwhite "[0-9]"
color brightyellow  "'(\\.|[^\"])*'"
color green "#.*$"

Updated Tutorials for the Installation of fun_plug 0.5 on the D-Link DNS-320 Sharecenter Pulse

A few days ago, i got the new D-Link DNS-320. Now i’ve tested the installation of Fonz fun_plug 0.5 on the device and found a few things which i added to the Tutorial for the Installation of Fonz fun_plug 0.5 and the Package Tutorial. Below you can find the summary:
German version of this tutorial

  • Changed HDD Mountpoints. The HDD is now mounted in /mnt/HD/ and not in /mnt anymore. So the the File “fun_plug” needed to be changed to reflect that.
  • Changed
    The supplied doesn’t work with the DNS-320, but i already found how to store the data and posted a new
  • The internal rsync doesn’t work when syncing with the repositories. Specifically redirecting the called binary to /ffp/bin/ solved that issue. The error was:
    sh: xterm: not found
    rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (1899 bytes received so far) [generator]
    rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(601) [generator=3.0.7]
    sh: xterm: not found for the D-Link DNS-320 Sharecenter Pulse

The D-Link DNS-320 needs a different than the one supplied with Fonz fun_plug. Basically it is very simple if you look at the contents:

echo "Saving Userdata to /usr/local/config/"
cp -f /etc/passwd /usr/local/config/
cp -f /etc/group /usr/local/config/
cp -f /etc/shadow /usr/local/config/
cp -f /etc/samba/smbpasswd /usr/local/config/

Run the following command to download it to the NAS:

wget -O /ffp/sbin/

Then proceed with the installation of Fonz fun_plug.