202 thoughts on “D-Link DNS-320”

    1. No it’s not possible. But i can’t see a feature the dns-320 doens’t have which is in turn included in the dns-323?

  1. I have been experimenting with USB hubs on the DNS 320. I have found that only one USB storage device can be recognised at one time. Is there any way around this limitation ?

    1. Can I add a scanner and a printer via a USB hub? I don’t need to access them at the same time, but any type of automated switching would be awesome!

  2. None of the afp stuff works on a mac, including time machine backup. At this stage I would not recommend it if you are using OSX. If you are a mac user half the things you wanted to use it for are broken. Not happy dlink.

    1. Hello Glenn,
      I’ve just talked to the Support, unfortunately you are right, but this will be fixed in firmware 2.0.

      1. Damn, I wish I had read this before I got my DNS-320 today. It works fine with my Win-7 workstation, but not at all with my mac 🙁

        Did they say when FW 2.0 is expected?

  3. Cher client,

    Le nouveau firmware 2.0 est maintenant disponible sur notre site FTP, en suivant ce lien:

    Se trouvent également à l’adresse ftp://ftp.dlink.fr/DNS/DNS-320/Firmware/Firmware_2.00/ des mises à jour des programmes utilitaires.

    Concernant la version exacte du client Bitorrent utilisé, nous sommes encore en attente de cette information.

    Support technique D-Link

  4. Can you put 1 2tb drive in the nas then at a latter stage add a second drive without re formatting the first drive ?

    1. Yes you can, i did that a few days ago. But i’m very careful when it comes to my data, i removed the filled HDD first, then formatted the second one and then put the “old” one back in the device. D-Link also offers to upgrade from Non-Raid to Raid1, then i’d take a backup first 🙂


      1. Thanks im precious about my data as well copying it all off to other drives first was ging to put 2 in togehter and do the one volume but my best option at the moment is to do them one at a time as single drives.



  5. I have a DNS-320 ( firmware 2.0B6 ) because i need a DLNA and Itunes server.
    DLNA works nice with my Samsung TV.
    But I can not start Itunes server.
    When I start IT I can an empty page and nothing happens.

    Any idea ?

    1. What model from Samsung TV is working? You don’t have any trouble? I wish to buy for series 6 (B651).

  6. I see DLINK publish the firmware for the DNS-325.
    It looks better than the firmware for the DNS-320.

    Do you think I can flash the DNS-320 with this firmware ?

    Best regards


    1. Hello Georges,

      do not flash the DNS-320 with the DSN-325-Firmware, that will probably not work. The DNS-320 Firmware is already available 🙂


    2. Where did you find the upgraded firmware for the 325! I cannot find it anywhere!!!


  7. Yes I use Firmware 2.0 B6.
    But now I see a new 2.0 Firmware but the Dlink FTP server does not work !!!!
    If you know where I can find this file.

    Best regards


  8. Pasted the link into Firefox and was able to download a zip file with FW 2.0 and a PDF.

    the puzzling thing is that the FW file is 2.0 but the PDF contains the following :

    DNS-320 Firmware Release Notes
    Firmware: 1.01
    Hardware: A1
    Date: 2010/12/27
    – Change to new GUI
    – Supports WebDAV, ISO Mount, Remote Backup, Web File Server, SMS Notification, Link Speed
    Settings, IP Blocking, Syslog Client
    Problem Resolved:
    [Bug Fix] Web File Server : Failed to work when uploaded folder and downloaded file including
    [Bug Fix] Web File Server : Unauthorized user is not allowed to access any volume
    [Bug Fix] P2P : Disable DHT when no torrent exists.
    [Bug Fix] P2P : P2P seeding function is broken.
    [Bug Fix] P2P : Only reload Samba service when changing P2P Torrent Save Path setting.
    [Bug Fix] HTTP port redirection issue
    [Bug Fix] Time Machine failed to work with one volume
    [Bug Fix] AjaXplorer : If entered http://DUT IP/ajaxplorer, it will login as last user
    GUI: Change “Email Alearts” to “Notifications”
    Known Issues:
    Firmware: 1.00
    Hardware: A1
    Date: 2010/9/7
    First DNS-320 firmware release
    Problems Resolved:
    Known Issues:

    Strange says is FW 1.01 , might be a typo a Dlink ? !

  9. I am not so lucky I cant download this file.
    Do you test this version ?



  10. I test the new version and there is in fact exacly the same as previous 2.0B6 version.
    So no news under the sky.
    And I tunes server still does not work

    Best regards


  11. For me the itunes server does work but some media players can use it and some can’t. I use Linux Mint and RhythmBox media player sees the itunes server but when I try and play a track the player report the file does not exist. If I use the Banshee Media player then it works ok but often I have to start the Banshee media player twice or three times before it will play a track. The get around this I use the FireFly itunes server that I installed after setting up fun plug. It works well everytime what ever media player I use.

    Also if you are a windows user I don’t think Windows Media Player can see an itunes server

  12. Hi,

    Now, I finally succed to start the Itunes server.
    I use Firefox because with Explorer I ger errors.
    So do not use Explorer with the DNS-320 !


  13. Hi,
    has someone been successful to mount a crypto container? I have tried ecryptfs cryptsetup and truecrypt in a chroot debian environment, but there is no loop / fuse support in the d-link kernel. It would be awesome, if someone could provide a kernel module that loads into the stock kernel. my idea is to mount a crypted container and create an smb share that accesses the mounted container. I’m perfectly willing to sacrifice performance for this, I’m accessing the nas via wifi anyways.

    thanks a ton!

    1. sorry, I got the concept of /dev/loop wrong…Everything works now with cryptsetup. I get about 2 mb/sec writing and 3.9 mb/ec for reading which is enough for me.
      I have one more question tho:

      How can I mount my crypto container so that it is accessible via a samba share?

      I tried to create a symbolic link from an existing share to the crypto mount, the link is shown correctly when I connect via ssh, but is not shown for a computer via a smb connection (ln -s /mnt/crypto /mnt/HD/HD_a2/crypto, mount /dev/mapper/crypt /mnt/crypto /mnt/HD/HD_a2/crypto, mount –bind /mnt/crypto/ /mnt/HD/HD_a2/crypto all do only show the mounted container via a ssh login, but it doesn’t appear in a samba connection)

  14. Does anyone have an idea, how to get crypto going?
    I have succeeded in mounting a crypto container via cryptsetup and sharingf it via samba, but I get connection drops all the time – probably this puts too much pressure on the device (no hw acceleration for aes).
    I did not succeed in running ecryptfs either:

    mount -t ecryptfs encrypted-source encrypted-dest

    Unable to get the version number of the kernel
    module. Please make sure that you have the eCryptfs
    kernel module loaded, you have sysfs mounted, and
    the sysfs mount point is in /etc/mtab. This is
    necessary so that the mount helper knows which
    kernel options are supported.

    Make sure that your system is set up to auto-load
    your filesystem kernel module on mount.

    Enabling passphrase-mode only for now.

    Unable to link the KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING into the KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING; there is something wrong with your kernel keyring. Did you build key retention support into your kernel?

    Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks

  15. Hi. Not long had my 320, but have a couple of questions.

    1. HDD Hibernation. This is set to 15 minutes but it sounds like they are always on. If I put my hand on the unit, there is a slight vibration – its not the fan. I have 2 Seagate 500GB drives 7200rpm and using RAID 1 setup.

    2. I have placed a torrent in the torrent folder (which I have mapped to my laptop) and the NAS has taken it (it disappeared from the folder) and it appears in the list when using the GUI, but nothing has downloaded. I used to use uTorrent and had to open a port on my router (fixed it at port 41000) but nothing happens on this one. What is the app called that I tell the router about. Do I need to port forward anything, I am using a Lynksys router.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    1. Sorry, just to inform you I have the latest Firmware installed and the utorrent client was on my Laptop

      1. Just to clarify:

        Do you mean that you are running a BT client on your laptop but downloading to a folder on the DNS 320 ? If so then then you should map a port to your laptop. If you are using the BT client on the DNS then a port should be opened (mapped) to the i.p address of the DNS 320

        If you are downloading to a folder in the DNS 320 then the HDD in the unit will always be active while the torrent is active.

        1. i would need to:
          1. Reserve IP adress for your NAS (is in DHCP);
          2. Make a rule under ‘applications&games’ for that ip and the port to be used.
          And that’s it.
          Build’in client seems to work as aspect, haven’t notice any issues.

    2. Hi Lance,

      the HDD Thing might be the fun_plug, did you try to disable it?

      I can’t help you with the Torrent-Stuff as i’m not using it, sorry.


  16. Is anybody here trying to run a mpd server with fun_plug on the DNS-320 using an USB audio adapter ?

    I’m looking for this kind of hack but i don’t find anything about kernel modules or cross-compile it.

  17. Hi,
    I was wondering if anyone was developing a SAB+ newsgroup downloader plugin for the DNS-320. (http://wiki.sabnzbd.org/)
    I’d love this to be setup as I don’t do torrents.

    If not, can someone look into this please!!!

  18. Anyone setup the DNS-320 to join an Active Directory domain?
    Would love a howto….

  19. Hi there.
    I’ve following the info in here, liked it and bought one 🙂
    With works fine, simple to use and complet enough (for the price).

    In fact, i’m really loving it, only have a issue that will try to solve:
    – Fan: on for 2 days already, fan is always working and a little noisy. Altough hdd’s are in 38ºC, system seems to be at 44ºC. Will a Memory Heat Spreader help? in a last resource will make some holes on the top (to hot air) and replace for a bigger fan.

    Had some troubles but solved:
    > with Rsync: In windows/supplyed software works fine, mas but a native use is a little limited (using with a linux machine), solved by using a rsync on the client instead.
    > with Ajax: Since it only shows the root folder of ajax, i wanted to had some folder. So i solved it by symbolic linking, using path /mnt/HD/HD_a2/FOLDER 🙂

    BTW, for performance tweak, i changed ext3 journal to writeback.
    Many thanks for sharing the info/reviews.

    1. for future reference, another user helped me, giving the following info:

      The sensor temp is not in the Marvell chipset, so adding a ramsink gives the same (reading) temps.

    2. Hi Andre,

      I cant get access to second drive throught Ajax explorer. I can see you´ve solved this. Please could you guide me to do it. I´ve dlink dns 320 and PC with windows 7. Now i´m moving all my data to ajax folder but i´d prefer to use symbolic..

      Thanks in advance.


    1. 40mm*40mm in size. I can take a look at the other specs, it might be that the fan runs on 5V.


      1. thanks.
        I suspect in a 40x40x10mm fan, but the 5v rating is more a trouble 🙁
        i was thinking in a NB XM2, at 5v should be more then enough, and alot quieter!
        If is possible to confirm the rating would be great.

          1. Is not easy to find +5v rating fans…
            Usually 40mm 12v fans start at around 10v 🙁

            I guess i have to drill the top 🙂 using a Noiseblocker S2 powered by usb with a perfect silence use and system temp at 40ºC max.

            This is a good stuff right? hope i don’t need warranty 😛

      1. Many thanks.
        Is in fact a +5v rated fan, not a usual one (+12v) 🙁

  20. It there any dissamble guide/howto?
    For example, for a fan replace?

    1. Currently not, but i can write one. Just remove all screws including the ones below the rubber pads on the bottom, then replace the fan 😉


      1. If is only that, should be easy.
        Is already a great help 😉

        Many thanks

  21. Considering the hardware is similar to the Netgear Stora, maybe something like this is possible?

  22. Just added a second hard disk and tried to set up Raid from the installation CD. It formatted my first one, which was full of data!

    Luckily I had a backup, but now I can’t map Volume 2 (the new disk), though I can find it in the web-based D-Link admin tool ( I chose standard (two volumes) rather than Raid protocol, so am puzzled. Any ideas?

    1. Can’t understand.
      You used the installation CD to a RAID config and it failed, right ? If successful, you will only get one Volume.
      In admin tool (using search tool), you can select a 2 volume setup or a Raid.

      Important, what firmware version do you have?

      I have done the following:
      I had a 1TB WD green with data by side.
      Installed a new 1.5TB in first slot, formatted (ext3) and then installed the second one (already in ext3, linux user), moved the files to the first with no problem.
      But it asked me if i wanna migrate to raid configuration… (but i didn’t wanted to).

      1. I chose Normal for the second format (ie not Raid) so I would have 2 volumes. I can see them both in the Admin tool, but not anywhere else, eg My Computer, so I can’t copy anything to the 2nd volume.

          1. Just the default 1.00 firmware.

            Then added ffp 7.5.3 to volume 1.

  23. I guess we (users) have a problem with D-Link.
    Asked my local support D-Link office for the GPL for 2.0, they answered that only have 1.x (that already knew…). When i asked again for the source, they didn’t know when it will be released and told me to wait… not knowing for how long…

    But wait? Is or isn’t a GPL release??? Wanted it to try to mod it (specially the fan), but this way d-link is not honoring the GPL license that they explicit say in http://tsd.dlink.com.tw/GPL.asp and support forward me!

    Guess we have another GPL Violation…

  24. Is it possible to put 1 2tb first then add another 2tb later and do JBOD(single volume) with reformatting for DNS-320?

  25. Hye,

    I’m trying to make the choice beetween this Q link DNS 320 or the Synology DS211J…

    Actually, the main fact that make the balance is the DLNA. Present in the synology, but only a uPnP/AV for the Qlink…

    Another main factor is the noise : and I only found the 20,8 dB(A) for the Synology, but nothing for the indice for this qlink !

    Could you help me ?

    Sorry for my english (fr) and thanks for your info !

  26. Sure that the price tag isn’t the same 🙂
    But no considering it, obviously go to synology…

    The DNS320 has a fan, i think, rated to 25db, at max speed.

  27. How do you create links in the ajax folder to folders outside of it and on the second volume want to do that so i can copy or move files from one drive to the other ?

    1. 1. To create symbolic links to the ajax folder, if you’re using Linux it’s easy,
      In the ajax folder, in the (client) computer create a link like the following example:
      ‘ln -s /mnt/HD_a2/PATH .” for disc A; disc B think that is HD_b2

      2. To copy/move files you can use the webserver in the apps interface; Or you mean regular copy (like i have) you could use the APP for local backups.

      1. fixed, the link should be

        and done in, this case, ajax folder

        1. You have to give the link a name as well, e.g.
          ln -s /mnt/HD_a2/ Volume1

          On mine, which has ffp, there’s an extra /HD in the paths.

          So to put the two volumes on Ajaxplorer, the commands were:
          ln -s /mnt/HD/HD_a2 Volume1
          ln -s /mnt/HD/HD_b2 Volume2

          However, I can still only modify the Volume 1 disk via Windows Explorer. I can map the second one via the Ajax link, but can’t edit it.

      2. Linhares
        10. June 2011 at 22:30

        1. To create symbolic links to the ajax folder, if you’re using Linux it’s easy,
        In the ajax folder, in the (client) computer create a link like the following example:
        ‘ln -s /mnt/HD_a2/PATH .” for disc A; disc B think that is HD_b2

        2. To copy/move files you can use the webserver in the apps interface; Or you mean regular copy (like i have) you could use the APP for local backups.

        It was the last thing wanted to move directories from volume1 to voume2 seems that you can do that through the webserver didnt know that thank you .

  28. Btw, there is a new beta, Firmware 2.01 Build 01.
    Can get it here.


  29. I have my dead Fantom Drives NAS, and I want to take the ext3 drives out and put then in either the dns320 or 325. Will they try and reformat automatically or since they are ext3 already, should they just mount properly? And, if not, what NAS solution could I use to acheive this. I really don’t want to spend extra time making a solution, I just want to buy one.

    1. But they are in a raid configuration ? individual volume? JBOD ?
      This drive doesn’t format anything without you saying so.

      1. I have to double check, but I think Raid0. But so you are saying that I can drop my drives in and try without concern? Or try it out with a spair set of drives.

  30. Hi,
    it seems you are quite the experts here – which is great, for i need help 🙂

    I bought the DNS-320 and already installed the Fonz fun_plug 0.5.

    All i want to do is install a ftp client.
    I’d like to donwload via this ftp client from my server directly to the D-DLINK DNS-320 NAS.
    If I install a ftp client onto the DNS-320 then i would’nt have to have my pc running to download – thats my idea.

    Can somebody please help me how to install a ftp client?

    Thanks a lot!

  31. Is it possible to make WoL working or to schedule power-on time? It is nice to have power-off schedule at night time but I would like to automatically start NAS in the morning as well.

    I may use power supply timer, but I don’t like to cut power at night to be able to start on the morning automatically as power recovery.

    1. that’s the problem.
      You can’t wake up device without turning the switch on…
      This device doesn’t have standby mode or any energy after shutdown to a WOL …
      this is a mod around, but is can be very risky.

      1. It would help me if NAS would support something like “AC Back Function: Full-On” on motherboards of PCs at leas – I could schedule then NAS to turn off at evening and AC power supply timer to turn off few minutes later and to turn on AC power in the morning.

        NAS is acting like “AC Back Function: Memory / Last State” – is turned on upon return of AC power only if NAS was running when AC power was lost (power recovery function).

        Is it possible to change this?

  32. I bought the DNS-320 and installed 2x2TB drives on Raid1. After finding this site and seeing that the DNS-320 can run a web server (lighttpd) and PHP I thought it might be able to run PHPture to view Aperture libraries.

    Anyone had luck with this?

  33. I’d like to replace the fan, but I don’t know how to dismount this NAS without cracking it – could somebody help?

    I’ve removed the upper plastic lid and disk, but there is a steel plate all around and the fan is behind it. I need to open it like this: photo

    Fan is not faulty, still working, but it is too noisy for me. I’d like either to replace it or to give there voltage reduction.

    1. The only option is a replace or removal.
      Is a +5volt fan, can’t be lower than that.

      And i had the question, is possible to disconnect the fan without opening the case?

      1. Fan is not possible to disconnect without opening the case. But I don’t know how to open the case completely – the whole outer plastic housing 🙁

    2. 4 rubber legs is clued at the botton. carefully remove them by knife or smth. There is a screw under each of them holding the plastic housing to metal frame

  34. any tips on removing the usb door without breaking anything? the right side comes out easily, but the left doesn’t. do I have to take apart the whole outer plastic housing? thx 🙂

    1. that’s a good question.
      i tryed too, but could get the left one out.

  35. Problem with DVD ISO playback.

    Firmware 2.0

    It seems either the DVD menu is skip by default and the DVD move starts to play but i can’t change subs and go back to Menu… OR, the menu shows, but I can’t change anything in the menu.

    Seems that the “ISO Mount in FW 2.0” have corrupet the usage of DVD iso,

    I play them from a Popcorn Hour A-200 and if the DVD is on local HDD or from HDD on PC it works fine…

  36. NEWBIE Alert

    Just got my DNS 320 and two 2TB WD green hard drives.
    Installed fun plug *(yes the modifed dns 320 version)

    Result, the .tgz file does not disappear but an ffp text file did show up with the followign text.

    **** fun_plug script for DNS-323 (2008-08-11 tp@fonz.de) ****
    Sat Jul 30 17:26:55 ADT 2011
    ln -snf /mnt/HD/HD_a2/ffp /ffp
    /ffp/etc/rc: Not found or not executable

    Additional notes:
    Hard drives recognized no problme
    Tried files in volumes 1 and 2, nothing happens when done from volume 2
    Using firmware version 2.00 dated 12/17/2010
    there are two folders in Volume 1, p2p and ajaxpf, that were created when I first started the stock firmware and was tooling around.

    Any assistance appreciated.

      1. thanks Uli, I fixed it. I had renamed the tgz file with a .tgz extension which meant two .tgz extensions on the file name and of course not useable. Fun plug is up and running now.
        Im following directions about changing root password but the directions are sparse. For example it just shows the command pwconv without any detail and then the command passwd without enough detail.. I can telnet in no problem but unclear on the rest.

        1. Okay I managed to get as far as entereing login name for the dns320. What no instruction mentioned is that I had to use a login name. I ended up trying admin and that worked followed by the password entered and that worked and got the email etc prompt and the fact that I appeared to be logged in and busybox version came up.
          I tried the wget command for the store password change but unfortunately its says thats a badd adress???

  37. Need telnet commands to copy over new file as web thingy not working. but cant do it from windows as it requires root user permission. How do I get it from a file on the puter into the nas argggg

    1. When I log in, i am put in busy box….. but no commands seem to work. How do I kickstart that thing…… starting to really hate linux.

  38. Hey,

    Let’s say I set this thing up with 2×2 To disks in RAID 1, and I use it for a few years. Then I need more space, and 4 To disks are out, and D-link has released an updated firmware supporting 4 To disks.

    Can I easily copy the data from the 2 To disks to the 4 To disks ? If I first replace a 2 To with a 4 To disk, which should rebuild the RAID, and then the next one, will I get a 2x4To RAID 1 ?

  39. Okay I installed ssh with some help from others. The new store-passwd.sh is in the sbin directory. I rebooted the dns 320 today just for giggles and now it does not recognized my password (still have telnet though). What went wrong?

  40. kay my problem was using the carriage return to separate lines on the instruction page. I entred the instruction set as one long rambling input LOL.
    Seems to be working somewhat please find below the output…….. It stuck on something it cant find………

    As well it appears to be attempting port forwarding not through the router .0.1 but through a pc, .0.35

    [16:58:12.093] Transmission 2.32 (12523) started (session.c:704)
    [16:58:12.093] RPC Server Adding address to whitelist: (rpc-server.c:805)
    [16:58:12.093] RPC Server Adding address to whitelist: 192.168.0.* (rpc-server.c:805)
    [16:58:12.093] RPC Server Serving RPC and Web requests on port (rpc-server.c:982)
    [16:58:12.093] RPC Server Whitelist enabled (rpc-server.c:986)
    [16:58:12.094] RPC Server Password required (rpc-server.c:989)
    [16:58:12.094] UDP Failed to set receive buffer: requested 4194304, got 217088 (tr-udp.c:75)
    [16:58:12.094] UDP Please add the line “net.core.rmem_max = 4194304” to /etc/sysctl.conf (tr-udp.c:80)
    [16:58:12.094] UDP Failed to set send buffer: requested 1048576, got 217088 (tr-udp.c:86)
    [16:58:12.094] UDP Please add the line “net.core.wmem_max = 1048576” to /etc/sysctl.conf (tr-udp.c:91)
    [16:58:12.094] DHT Generating new id (tr-dht.c:309)
    [16:58:12.094] Using settings from “/mnt/HD/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon” (daemon.c:488)
    [16:58:12.095] Saved “/mnt/HD/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon/settings.json” (bencode.c:1721)
    [16:58:12.095] transmission-daemon requiring authentication (daemon.c:508)
    [16:58:12.095] Port Forwarding (NAT-PMP) initnatpmp succeeded (0) (natpmp.c:72)
    [16:58:12.095] Port Forwarding (NAT-PMP) sendpublicaddressrequest succeeded (2) (natpmp.c:72)
    [16:58:15.111] Port Forwarding (UPnP) Found Internet Gateway Device “” (upnp.c:113)
    [16:58:15.111] Port Forwarding (UPnP) Local Address is “” (upnp.c:115)
    [16:58:15.111] Port Forwarding (UPnP) Port forwarding through “”, service “urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1”. (local address: (upnp.c:221)
    [16:58:15.111] Port Forwarding (UPnP) Port forwarding successful! (upnp.c:224)
    [16:58:15.111] Port Forwarding Forwarded (port-forwarding.c:93)
    [16:59:01.385] DHT Attempting bootstrap from dht.transmissionbt.com (tr-dht.c:247)
    [17:00:01.742] DHT dht.transmissionbt.com:6881: Name or service not known (tr-dht.c:125)
    [17:01:35.297] DHT dht.transmissionbt.com:6881: Name or service not known (tr-dht.c:125)

    This seems to be an issue.

    [17:00:01.742] DHT dht.transmissionbt.com:6881: Name or service not known (tr-dht.c:125)
    [17:01:35.297] DHT dht.transmissionbt.com:6881: Name or service not known (tr-dht.c:125)
    [17:03:16.899] DHT dht.transmissionbt.com:6881: Name or service not known (tr-dht.c:125)

    and are these signficant ‘Failed’ comments below or did the daemon fix them??
    [16:58:12.094] UDP Failed to set receive buffer: requested 4194304, got 217088 (tr-udp.c:75)
    [16:58:12.094] UDP Please add the line “net.core.rmem_max = 4194304” to /etc/sysctl.conf (tr-udp.c:80)
    [16:58:12.094] UDP Failed to set send buffer: requested 1048576, got 217088 (tr-udp.c:86)
    [16:58:12.094] UDP Please add the line “net.core.wmem_max = 1048576” to /etc/sysctl.conf (tr-udp.c:91)
    [16:58:12.094] DHT Generating new id (tr-dht.c:309)
    [16:58:12.094] Using settings from “/mnt/HD/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon” (daemon.c:488)
    [16:58:12.095] Saved “/mnt/HD/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon/settings.json” (bencode.c:1721)

  41. SOLVED, I invoked TTDL or TLLS or whatever that MS Cwap is called in the stock NAS interface, it buggered up connectivity and more…….. Lesson learned.

  42. Help! I have 2x1tb drives in thdlink and have just upgraded from xp to win7 going throught the install for the dlink it wants to format my drives with all my data/music/photos on. I can not access the drives now – help please.

    1. phew – have mapped them as network drives but now what do I do re the dling software and backup etc?


  43. Hi !

    I have a dns-320 FW 2.0

    I can have only 10 torrents opend. the 11 dosen’t start at all. I press the green arrow it refreshes and nothing happens. Any ideas?


    1. Maybe a limitition of the software, dunno. I’m not using torrent so i cannot tell you where the problem lies. Sorry 🙁


    2. Hi Fire3,

      As you are using torrent with DNS320 are you using any ip blocking s/w? I am trying to find how do I get one working with DNS320.


  44. To bad 🙁 i would love to use transmission but after 6 guides no result. and now i saw that when i turn it down that it starts do DL everything even the complete ones. i’ve should’ve got something from synology cuz d-link is just………..

  45. I have a DNS320, nearly gave up on it as I hated the super irritating fan sound. Not an expert, but it sure looks they have made the airflow as difficult as possible.

    Solution — open the box ( remember screws under rubber feet ) and remova all the plastic stuff. Remove fan. The metal inner structure holds everything together. Placed it with USB port down, Network and power up. Seems to give good air flow for cooling.

    Not beautiful to look at but so far no overheating.

  46. Note on Apple Time Machine Lion.

    Apple has graded up the security. The DNS320 with software version 2 will not work with Time Machine if you Mac runs lion. A future software update might solve this, but there are currently no published plans for this.

      1. Aah, missed that one. Only shows how much we can do with the Linux based machines as long as the manufacturer leaves a good opening for it, say like the fun_plug opening.

        Anyway, I gave up the DNS320 for use with time machine and got a time capsule in addition. Moving over my wifi network to that one in order to be prepared for changing network supplier, the cable modem currently works as the wifi hub. Long story, but there are less expensive network providers.

  47. Coming from a dead DNS-323 with RAID 1, can I just pop my drives in the new 320 and not have to worry about losing data? Or do I have to use a special procedure? Thanks for any advice…

  48. Hi all,

    i get also a synology (bought one day after i bought the DNS 320 due to an amazing low price) , and i wonder if i will not sell my syno and definitely keep the 320 !!

    it remains one stuff i can’t get working : stream video on my Bravia KDL32ex500 , i tested built in DLNA , twonky and mediatomb

    all don’t work:

    built in DLNA : folders are visible but TV don’t see any video inside the folders / works like a charm on my PS3
    twonky : same as above
    mediatomb : TV do not properly recognize the server / works like a charm on my PS3

    i spent some time on google , issues i get are known , i tried multiple things (as several config.xml files for mediatomb) and never find anyone with couple DNS320 / Bravia and video working with DLNA

    is anyone here have this scenario working ?

    any help would be very much appreciated !!


  49. Hello,

    With firmware version 2 it is possible to download with http links to your nas.
    Is it possible to provide username and password into the link?

    Thanks a lot

  50. Hi,
    My DNS-320 work fine with one 1 Tb Hard disk.
    No I add a second 2 Tb Hatd disk and get troubles.
    I can not go to “Hard drive configuration”
    In all menu i see “none hard disk”
    Menu work but i can not set a hard disk !

  51. i have a dns-320 with 2 disks in a mirror raid. if I update the 2.0 firmware with a 2.02 beta, will I lose my settings or my data? will the new firmware detect my disks and continue to use the mirror raid array? (i know, “backup your data before anything”, but I bought the nas to store and to backup other data, i can not backup IT to anything else :))

    1. You will not lose data, but all your settings in the webinterface, if you do it right (Reset to Factory Settings after updating).


  52. If i activate p2p in my nas, there is a map called p2p visible at every user who connect to my ftp, can i disable that? an anonymous can connect my ftp and he will see my p2p map!

    I’m using firmware dns-320 2.02 beta

  53. NEWBIE & IDIOT alert

    just got my DNS320 and 2 lovely 2 TB seagate Barracuda Green ST2000DL003 SATA 6 drives which are on compatibility list and can’t get any further in install than than turnign the thing on. I can see DNS320 in MS WINDOWS Network/Workgroup can even access files on USB stick plugged into front but no sign of the either disk!

  54. I have the DNS-320 with fun_plug installed. I plugged my external HDD into the USB port. Using ntfs as the file system for the external HDD. It reads fine, but no write support. The ntfs.ko says its read/only. Anyone know a way I can make it read/write?

  55. Help,

    Being an ignorant IT person I am stuck with my DNS320, firmware 2.02.
    The local back-up function used to work fine but now its gone. “file not available”. At the same time the DNS doesn’t show up as part of the network although it still shows up as a network drive.
    What should I do ?

  56. I just bought a 320 and want to set up WebDav on it. I have never worked with WebDav before. Can anyone send me in the right direction?

    The ftp setup was easy and straight forward, but I have played around with ftps for years.

    1. I answered my own question. I had to update the firmware to the 2.1 beta. 2.0 didn’t support it.

  57. I have a DNS320 working fine with one hard disk. When I try to install a second one and format it as standard. I get a pop up with analysing and the formatting drive but nothing happens. The format function crash and do nothing. Each time I reconnect to the menu the same pop up appear and again nothing happens.
    Any idea ????

    I use firmware 2.02

    Best regards

    1. Hi Georges,

      Have you try to access with admin credentials using only the hard drive that works fine and to “reset” to factory’s configuration? May be you can do it and to began from zero and to install 2 drives then.


      1. Hello,

        It’s happening exactly the same that georges describes with my DNS320. I cannot reinstall the first one again because I have very valuable information (all my movies and TV series).

        What can I do? 🙁

        Best regards.

        1. Remove the disk with the data an try again without it. Then reinsert and set the shares correctly again.


  58. Hi all.

    I’m not experienced using NAS. I got new one a few days ago and since then I’m trying to do only one thing: “Disable some of those features that appear to every new user created in the system”. I refer to, for example, the P2P-Downloads Client Feature. It’s annoying that any user can be able to use it without any restriction. I’d like to know how can I disable it for all users except those I want, just as disable other provided features by default. More exactly, I’d like to get a user see in his web-access page only permited features. Can anybody help me, please?

    PD: My NAS is an DNS-320 one. And I’ve got installing Fonz Fun Plug and Packages succesfully. At the moment I think those all extra functionality is very complex for me. But it is useful for me by the way I can log in as root.

    Best Regards for all.

  59. Hi just got one of the above D-link DNS 320 wont be able to set this up till xmass day hmm any tips what i should do with this on opening the box thanks for all the help

    all the best for xmass

  60. I have a DNS 320 1TB hitachi, I just got it 16.december 2011, and I’ve managed to set it up and all, but the transfer speed is a bit low in my opinion. 9 mb/s at best.

    my USB harddisk is connected to the computer and I transfer it by cable through router to my DNS320 (USB >> PC >> router >> DNS), and the transferspeed on wireless is 2mb/s.

    I’ve updated the firmware to 2.02 and no changes. all that aside, I’d like to know if there is a step-by-step setup guide for the different features of DNS320 p2p, webserver, UPnP, FTP etc.

  61. Quick question. I have a 1TB drive that’s I’ve been using to store all my media on in a tower running Windows Server 2003. I have just purchased a DNS-320 with the hopes that I would be able to just drop the in HDD and would be able to access those files right away. I’m not having such luck. Is this possible or am I going to have to format the HDD through the unit and then transfer all the files on to it?

  62. Hi,

    I am keen to move some files & folders from drive a to drive 2 on the NAS itself.

    I have heard of Midnight Commander and PuTTY combo that allows me to do this with a gui.

    Does the DNS-320 let me put MC on it and run ?

    Or, is there a better tool to use (with a GUI, I’m rubbish @ unix).


    1. Just to clarify,

      I know there are internal apps to copy folders… I am keen to move, not copy.

      Is anyone using Midnight Commander and PuTTY combo out there at all ?

  63. Need answer from all here,

    Currently in need of setup a NAS for small firm i work in.

    However,can a unrestricted user – open TWO controlled share folder, at the same time??
    Such as,global user with read/write permission, open TWO limited access shared space, and work on same time, example transfer file.

    The reason behind was that current shared space on Windows server 2008 only allow single user open Single controlled space, very very inconvenient.

    Any help is much appreciate.

  64. hi all,

    Little help would be much appreciated. DNS 320 with ff_p installed. Subsequently used this to install Logitech Media Server (aka Squeezecentre/ Slimserver). All went great thanks to instructions on this forum.

    To avoid wer-and-tear I’d like the NAS disks to spin-down when not in use. I understand that it’s the fun_plug keeping these running. If I disable the fun_plug will I still be able to access the media server? How do I disable to fun_plug and are there any other option.

    Cheers for the efforts and good work!

  65. Hi:

    Is there any option to run a amule like program with this device?
    For me is the only extra feature I need.

  66. Seems like everyone is either on holidays, or not free to answer questions… dang.

  67. I have just tried setting the dns-320 and plugged it into my router and powered it on. I have run the software that comes with it and it doesn’t pick up the device at all. I have tried manually going to the i.p address on my browser that it suggests and it doesn’t pick it up. I have tried pinging the i.p as well and it doesn’t get a reply. The DHCP server is enabled on the router and it is a Belkin router. The OS I am running it on is XP.
    Do you have any suggestions I can try please?

    1. check on the router to see if the LED lights up when you plug in the DNS-320… it should go out when you unplug it and come back on when you plug it back in.

      What ip range are you using on your lan ? (eg. 192.168.1.XXX)

  68. Thanks Mike. I am a doughnut, I didn’t select the refresh button within the DHCP list. It came up after this. Thanks for your prompt help.

  69. I tried installing the DNS-320 on an XP computer and the device is not recognized when running the setup even using the Refresh. The green lights are visible on the router and the back of the unit. I tried it on a Windows 7 computer behind a different network and it was recognized. The XP is behind a Linksys router and the Windows 7 is behind a 2Wire with a switch. Is there some configuration setting in the Linksys that could cause it? Thanks

    1. [UPDATE] I have found that the DNS-320 was not recognized when plugged directly into the router. When I installed a switch into the router and the DNS-320 into the switch, it was recognized. I don’t know why it cannot be installed directly into the router.

  70. Great work guys after installing Fun_plug and twonky media server using your tutorials my DNS-320 has become the home Media server it always should have been. The DNS-320’s built in Upnp server is useless to say the least. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge.

  71. I just bought this device but having problem with the Direct USB copy. After pushing the button next to usb slot, it will start to copy my USB HDD but it never finished the job and after awhile the system become unresponsive and I have to pull the power plug to reset.
    Checking the USB_Backup folder it seem that only several file are copied.
    Is there any alternative method to copy file from USB HDD to the NAS Directly.. I don’t have gigabit router so without this it will take forever to backup 2 tera of data.

  72. Hi, looking for some help please.

    I have a DNS 320 and v2.02 firmware. Single 500Gb disk and it all works fine. I have the NAS in my garage and use “homeplug” to connect.
    Everything works, but as I use the NAS for backup (a couple of times a day) I want to power off the unit when not in use, but going out to the garage to power it up is a PITA.

    Any idea if / when WOL will be available?

  73. Hi guys,

    I’ve been planning to get a NAS and found the DNS-320 as a cheap and good option… I did some research about somethings that I’m in doubt and would be grateful if you could help to figure out since I didn’t find clear information about it.

    I have a wireless 802.11g network at home and my plan is to use the NAS with my AppleTV (wired since my wireless is not fast enough for HD streaming)… currently I have 2 external USB disks connected in my laptop that shares the files and internet (ICS) to my AppleTV (wired – crossover).

    What I would like is to get rid of the laptop and use just the NAS connected to the AppleTV so my plan is to connect AppleTV and NAS wired connected in a router that will extend my current wireless network (the modem/router is in another room)… I would like to add 2 SATA HDDs (750gb and 1.5tb) in the NAS, add my two USB External HDs (750gb and 1tb) and install SABNzbd/Sickbeard/Couchpotato in the NAS.

    My doubts are:

    – Since NTFS is read only, can I use the external hard disks as EXT3?
    – Can I connect more than one external hard disk using an USB Hub?
    – Is there a way to schedule when the NAS will be on and off? e.g. it will automatically turns on at 9am
    – Is there Wake on lan support? What’s the easiest way to turn it off remotely?
    – Can media sharing be done via SMB or it needs to be via UpnP or FTP?
    – If I do something wrong when installing Sabnzbd, etc on it is there a way to reset software to factory mode?

    Many thanks

    1. You can turn it off through the web based gui manually, or it can be scheduled.
      Scheduled switch on is not possible.
      Several extra functions are available by installing the 3rd party fun_plug (no hardware or firmware modification needed, uninstallable anytime), like using more hard disks (factory firmware only mounts the first) and many more.

      1. Cool, my DNS-320 arrived today… will try installing fun_plug later and start playing around.


  74. Hello Gents,

    I have a short question. I have to copy a large amount of data to the DNS320. Copying over the netowrk take a lot of time. Have you been able to copy files w/o computer? only start i.e. a might commander on the DNS ??

    many thanks in advance for any suggestion.

    btw. it shows transfer in unreal commander to the unit about 25 MB/s but real seems to be much slower…

    Best regards,

    1. I have asked the same question.. ie. can night commander be installed on the dns with some kind of gui … not heard back at all 🙁

  75. Dear All!

    I’d like to use this NAS as my main downloader machine.
    I have access to 3 FTP sites (that we use at work) and I need to download the server images.

    This is really hard work to do manually, and I need to have my computer to be turned on 24/7 sometimes.

    With schedule FTP download, can I add at least 30 directories do download with different accounts?

  76. Hello!

    I’m a noob :o(. I have just bought a DNS-320 and put in 2 Seagate 500GB drives. I installed the latest (non-beta) firmware, which I got from this site’s mirror – thank you – and have set up a RAID1. I installed fun_plug in case I ever need it. I can successfully access the volume from my home network and have moved all our family photo’s onto it, which was a primary reason for getting the thing in the first place. So far, so good.

    What I would like to do now is set some access restrictions on folders on the volume: I have two teenage sons and I’d like to give them their own “private” folders (to which I have read access!), and I’d like another folder private to me and my wife, along with a public, “family” folder. Since it’s a home network with no real network login, just individual PC logins, I can’t work out how to set it up. Can it be done?

    If this is explained somewhere on this site or the internet, please be gentle with me – I promise that I have looked, but I have failed to find anything.

    Thank you!

    1. I’m in a similar situation. I have created some folders, users and set permissions but the read-only permission doesn’t seem to be honoured.

      This is what I did…
      1. Log onto NAS “dashboard” as administrator.
      2. Management tab > Account Management > Users/Groups.
      3. User Settings > New.
      -Enter a name for the user (I used “visitor”).
      -Enter a password for the user.
      -FYI, I have no groups set so skipped the groups section.
      -On the Network Shares Settings page I add read-only permission to my directory (temp).
      -I set all other directories to Deny Access.
      -I enabled CIFS, AFP, FTP.
      -I set a quota amount to 10000
      -Finish (saw a confirmation message).
      4. Management tab > Account Management > Network Shares.
      -Click on “temp” then modify.
      -Permissions show my user “visitor” has read-only access.

      To test this settings I logged on as admin and uploaded a file in “temp” using Web File Server.
      Sadly, when I logged in as visitor I found I could delete the file using Web File Server. I would have expected “visitor” not to be able to delete files when they only have read-only permission.

      If anyone can tell me where I’m going wrong it would be appreciated.
      thanks in advance.

      1. silly as it sounds, you could try to use the ‘group’ function.

        I assume you are able to assign diff. levels of permissions to diff. groups.

        have Visitor in it’s own group, and only give that group minimal permissions..

        best of luck.

        1. Thanks but that didn’t work either.
          “visitor” could still delete files in a directory that his group had read-only access.

  77. I have problems with my D-Link DNS-320 in my wireless home network. The network consists of a SpeedTouch 585 router, two laptops with Windows XP SP 3 and a desktop with Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bits. All three computers are members of a work group with the same name and I can manage files on all computers from each one of them. My D-Link DNS-320 is connected to the router with an Ethernet cable.

    My laptops can access the DNS-320 without any problem and I can read, add and delete files on the volume.

    My desktop can see the DNS-320 in the network and I can open the volume to see the files. But I cannot open the files. It is possible to add and delete files, but it takes a very long time and is often interrupted. When copied to the volume, these files cannot be opened.

    “Easy Search Utility” can find the DNS, but when I press “configuration”, my Firefox web browser opens, but nothing happens (“waiting for”).

    But I can map the volume and it shows up as “Volume_1 (//D-Link) (Y:) in my desktop’s “My Computer”. If I click on this, the volume opens and I can see the files, but I can still not open them. E.g. if I try to open a Word file, the Word Program opens, but hangs immediately. The same happens with other file types and programs.

    I have searched for a solution in several forums and tried various suggestions. I have tried both static and dynamic IP addresses, but without success. I have checked the firewall and file sharing is activated. The firewall makes an exception for “Easy Search Utility”. I have temporarily disconnected my Avast antivirus program, but it did not help.

    Can anybody help me?

  78. What has Linux and UNIX to do with D-Link DNS-320 and a Windows 7 computer?

    With reference to my previous post, I have now upgraded my desktop to Windows 7 Professional and done a little more testing. My problem could now be summed up like this:

    My WLAN consists of two laptops with Windows XP SP 3 and a desktop with Windows 7 Professional, 64 bits. All three are members of the same work group and are visible to each other.

    My XP laptops can access, add and delete files and folders on the DNS-320 without problems.

    My Windows 7 desktop can see the volumes and the folders and files in the volumes, but I cannot open the files. When I try to add or delete files, like a JPEG picture, Windows Explorer often hangs and has to restart. I can, however, see the properties for files and folders, but here is the strange thing:

    The group and user names are listed in the properties as:

    Allaccount (Unix Group\ Allaccount)
    Linux user…(DLINK-F95B04\nobody)

    None of them has any access privileges.

    I am logged in as administrator and it is possible to delete the users/group and add new ones and tick in full access, but I cannot save the settings. Access is denied and the list returns to the old list.

    I do not have Unix or Linux on any of my computers. So why does the DNS-320 create these users and groups? Is it in any way pre-programmed for Linux/Unix? If so, is there any way I can work around this? The DNS-320 works well with my Windows XP laptops, so why not with my Windows 7 desktop?

    1. Lars,

      The DNS-320 is a computer in its own right. It has to have some sort of operating system to be able to handle the drives and communicate with your network. The OS it uses is a form of Linux, which is itself derived from Unix.

      I don’t know why your Win7 device can’t talk properly to the DNS-320. I run a similarly mixed home network successfully (and I really don’t know much about this stuff). I set a workgroup up on my XP machines and followed the Win7 help system to join it to the XP workgroup. Since then I have had no problems. Except that I cannot control access privileges – anyone in the workgroup has full read/write access to every file on the NAS.



        1. Test the access privileges from the web file explorer.. They don’t work (for me at least).

    2. Problem solved! The problen was with my Speedtouch router. I have replaced it with a Belkin router and now I have access to the DNS-320 from all computers in my network.

  79. I’m using a Blackberry playbook and AFAIK it doesn’t support SAMBA but if anyone else has any experience connecting to their NAS with a Playbook I’d love to hear about it. I can’t see any way to see the content other than the web-file server application. Streaming video from the NAS to the Playbook is my goal.

    And a slightly related question..
    Is it possible to browse directly to a shared folder on the NAS from a web-browser? i.e I don’t want to go through the whole logging on procedure and web-server application, just open a browser link and view the folder contents to grab/download as I like.

    thanks in advance.

    1. Hi,

      If you ever find the answer, I would really appreciate if you could share!


      1. No solutions I’m afraid.

        On the playbook I can browse to the device using ghost commander and download the files for playback but that’s not streaming.

  80. Ok two issues if anyone can help;

    1. Transfer speeds when writing to the NAS drive NEVER exceeds 1MB/s…

    In windows task manager my wireless router says it has a connection speed of 54Mbps. Why so slow?? Do people use bundled software or something?

    2. I set up user privileges in the web GUI, so if using a windows computer you need a name and pass to access the NAS drive at all. This is fine.

    If I then use my Ubunutu laptop, I can access the full contents of the NAS drive with no prompt for user name or pass, or any sort of ‘access denied’!

    Any ideas??

  81. Where can I find step by step installation manual to Twonky Server 7 on D-Link DNS-320.

  82. Hi

    I am a happy user of nas d-link sharecenter dns-320 (pulse)

    Usually I use this through its web interface, but since I’m
    also a happy linux user that always prefers to use
    software in command-line so I created a simple script
    management p2p and other basic functionality(for now).
    I created a Mercurial repository on Bitbucket to this address:


    You can download it and use it freely, hopefully useful, for example via
    to check your NAS remotely through a linux server.

    I hope to use it than you think to help me to add new
    useful features, in a short time to cover all aspects of the NAS.

    Happy Hacking

  83. I would like to use the print spooler in my DNS-320 but my printers are TC/IP interface. The 320 only recognizes USB printers, is there a way to activate the spooler without actually having a USB printer? I would think the functionality is identical whether USB or IP. FFP is installed and working. Can I set up a spooler from command line?

  84. hi all

    could anyone provide me with the commands / walkthrough to mount my DNS320 to a machine running Linux (Debian 6.0.4 Squeeze)

    Help is much appreciated

    1. for anyone in the same situation i managed it eventually
      1) set IP opn NAS to static under LAN settings on Web Intferface
      2) Create a directory in debian using mkdir command. I named it dlink and put it in the media folder
      3) nano etc/fstab/ and after last line add ///Volume_1/ /media/dlink/
      4) exit and save
      5) mount /media/dlink/

      Hope this helps anyone in the same situation as me

      1. something didn’t post when submitted in the above
        setp3 should have your box’s now static ip address in it, e.g.:
        // /media/dlink/

  85. Hello – I have just successfully installed Transmission 2.50-1 into my DNS-320, by various guides mainly from ShadowAndy plus some modifications in path to match this U.Li guides on Twonky – let me know if you need assistance! Cheers, Arc.

  86. Hi there,

    I had to reset my NAS settings and now it seems that I can’t do anything else but re-format my 1T drive.

    I can access my data from my linux pc but I do not have 1T free anywhere to copy that stuff before re-formatting.

    Any clue how I can get rid of that dumb mandatory formatting?

    cheers, Yannick.

  87. Anybody know how to set up user_xattr on ext3 on this NAS? I would like to store certain attributes with files on filesystem, but haven’t find a way to do so …

  88. I’ve upgrade firmvare to 2.02 version and now I can’t see my P2P folder. It dissapear. How to fix that problem.P2P still downloads so folder still exist.

  89. Hello, i have DLINK NAS320 with firmeware 2.02
    I want to know how to

    1. Upload files from my MacBook to NAS to see it with my iPad ?

    2. Update AjaXplorer from 2.7.2 to 4.0.2 ?

    3. Install tweaks & plugins

    Thank you

  90. Does anyone know when transmission stops downloading (pause downloads), will the dns-320 still go into hibernation?

  91. My AjaXeplorer cannot see Volume_1 so I can’t browse my NAS drive. Would installing fun plug have caused this? Any ideas please on how to enable Ajax to see my Volume_1?

  92. Hi,

    I have fun plug 0.7 installed and activated ssh connection. I also created several users (with passwords and home directories). However users logged via ssh can browse through all my directories on disc. Can anyone help me how to lock users in their home directories?? Thanks in advance.

  93. have this setup and am happy, but how do I access the USB drive plugged into the front..?
    I don’t want to back the stuff up to the internal drives.. (well not yet)
    but want to simply access the USB drive
    ps. is there a max size that the front usb can handle ?


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