Update of Twonkymedia Server 6 on the Conceptronic CH3MNAS, D-Link DNS-320,DNS-321,DNS-325 and DNS-343

Twonkymedia ServerGerman version of this tutorial

This tutorial is deprecated, please use the tutorial for the current version.

Since a while there is a new version of the Twonkymedia Server 6 available. Many readers asked me how to update to this version without loosing the configuration of the already installed version. This article describes the update for the following devices:

  • Conceptronic CH3MNAS
  • D-Link DNS-320
  • D-Link DNS-321
  • D-Link DNS-325
  • D-Link DNS-343

For other devices, please follow this article. If you are searching for the article regarding the initial installation (not the update), please look here for this.


As all data created by the software (Database, Covers and so on) is stored in /ffp/opt/twonky/data/, the upgrade is very simple as shown below.

First stop Twonky:

sh /ffp/start/twonky.sh stop

Save the data-directory:

cd /ffp/opt/twonky/
mv data /ffp/tmp/twonkydata

Install the new Software. Before following the commands below, please take a look a this Website under “NAS & Beta Versions (Limited Support)” to determine whether 6.0.38 is the current version. If not, just search for the Kurobox-Pro-Version and replace the URL:

rm -R /ffp/opt/twonky/*
cd /ffp/opt/twonky
wget http://www.twonkyforum.com/downloads/6.0.38/twonkymedia-kurobox-pro-6.0.38.zip
unzip twonkymedia-kurobox-pro-*.zip
wget http://wolf-u.li/u/187 -O /ffp/opt/twonky/twonkymedia-server-default.ini
rm nassetup.exe nas-installer nas-uninstaller install.nas twonkymedia-kurobox-pro-*.zip
chmod +x /ffp/opt/twonky/twonkymedia /ffp/opt/twonky/twonkymediaserver /ffp/opt/twonky/plugins/* /ffp/opt/twonky/cgi-bin/*

If you have a DNS-320 or DNS-325 you need to run the following command:

sed -i -e 's!/HD_a2!/HD/HD_a2!g' -e 's!/HD_b2!/HD/HD_b2!g' /ffp/opt/twonky/twonkymedia-server-default.ini

Now copy the data-directory back to it’s origin:

cd /ffp/opt/twonky/
mv /ffp/tmp/twonkydata data

Now test if everything works by running the daemon-startscript manually:

sh /ffp/start/twonky.sh start

For advanced users: Run “ps -ef|grep twonky” should show several processes now

Connect your Browser to Port 9000 of the NAS, e.g. to check Twonky. Now you’re done 😉 Have fun with Twonkymedia Server!

31 thoughts on “Update of Twonkymedia Server 6 on the Conceptronic CH3MNAS, D-Link DNS-320,DNS-321,DNS-325 and DNS-343”

  1. As a reminder backup your twonkymedia-server-default.ini and your edited xml files located in /ffp/opt/twonky/resources/views for advance users. I woke up and read my email and I jumped the gun right away without thinking. As always, great article.

  2. I have a strange problem with my installation. Even though I have bought my serial number from twonkymedia, and the server says that is registered, when I open the UI, for a split of a second, it displays a page that says that this key is not valid for this version and then it switches to a registered server page.

    1. Hi Dimitris,

      the GUI is probably checking the license and the replacing the part with the license information. I wouldn’t care about that.


  3. Hi,
    Can this guide be use on the recent 6.0.34 released? The new release is available via link as follow

    I am running Twonky 6.0.32 on a DNS-320 ShareCenter™ Pulse and had setup twonly base on the Kurobox-Pro-Version firware. Do I continue to use the same Kurobox-Pro version 6.0.34 for the upgrade?

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hi all. I’ve installed 6.0.34 aon my DNS-320 NAS, purchased the key and registered. After some settings modification (with ipaddress:9000), webinterface isn’t available.
    Telnet on port 9000 is also failed, both from network and localhost. Here’s ps output

    ps -ef|grep twonky
    21659 root /ffp/opt/twonky/twonkymedia -logfile /dev/null -appdata /ffp/opt/twonky/data/
    22056 root [twonkymediaserv]
    22091 root grep twonky

    Please can you help me to solve this issue? Thanks so much 4 your help and a LOL for this very good website.

  5. Hi,

    Thank you for publishing this step-by-step method to install Twonky media server for NAS version. I have installed 6.0.34 version on DNS-321 and I’m trying to install 6.0.37 version, however the download link is broken on twonky site http://www.twonkyforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7653, so wondering if 6.0.37 version is available any where else.

    Thanks in advance.

  6. Hello there not an alternative to Twonky? or a key that can put, for the period ended test and can not see anything

  7. Hi all.
    I’ve installed 6.0.38 on my DNS-320 NAS. After that, I have purchased the key and registered the product.
    Everything seems ok; I am able to play mp3, avi, mpeg, jpeg, etc… I am really satisfied about it. However, MKV files seem don’t work on my televesion (Samsung D6000). This is quite strange since MKV files work using the USB key.
    Do you have any idea? any advices?
    Thanks in advance, Andrea.

  8. Can we get a guide for version 7.xx. I tried to follow this guide and it wouldn’t work. Thanks alot

  9. To upgrade to TwonkyServer Special 7.0 (last version), use the following:

    cd /ffp/opt/twonky/
    mv data /ffp/tmp/twonkydata

    rm -R /ffp/opt/twonky/*
    cd /ffp/opt/twonky
    wget http://www.twonkyforum.com/downloads/7.0.5-Special/twonky-kurobox-special-7.0.5.zip
    unzip twonky-kurobox-*.zip
    chmod +x /ffp/opt/twonky/twonkyproxy /ffp/opt/twonky/twonkyserver /ffp/opt/twonky/twonkystarter /ffp/opt/twonky/twonkywebdav /ffp/opt/twonky/plugins/* /ffp/opt/twonky/cgi-bin/*

    cd /ffp/opt/twonky/
    mv /ffp/tmp/twonkydata data

    Additionally you need to edit /ffp/start/twonky.sh with nano and replace occurrences of twonkymedia with twonkystarter.

    Caveat: I am not a Linux expert, but the above works for me on my CH3MNAS.

    1. Error on start:

      root@NAS:/mnt/HD/HD_a2/ffp/opt/twonky# sh /ffp/start/twonky.sh start
      /ffp/opt/twonky/twonkystarter: line 1: syntax error: word unexpected (expecting “)”)

  10. I have DNS-321.

    I tried upgrading it to TwonkyServer Special 7.0(last version) with the steps provided by Erbkaiser.

    When I start the server I’m getting following messages.

    sh /ffp/start/twonky.sh start
    route: SIOCADDRT: File exists

    Thanks in advance.

  11. @pras: you did remember to stop twonky first? I left out that step in my above post.

    You should follow the original post as much as possible and only replace commands where needed.

    Additionally I’ve uploaded my edited twonky.sh to http://erbkaiser.de/twonky.sh – just in case I wasn’t clear enough on what to edit.

  12. @Erbkaiser

    Hello, I tried to update to 7.0.5 and it doesn’t work. Everything is installed correctly, I stop Twonky, I modified twonky.sh as it should, and when I log on the internet, no page.

    It works very well in 6.0.39.

    1. Same problem here, I followed the tuto without any success… If reinstalling V 6.0.39 it does work.
      Did anyone succeed in installing v7 on DNS-320 ??

      Thank you 😉

  13. Guys
    I have followed the guide and think twonky has installed.
    However when trying to access it via I get page not found.
    This has been asked before but I couldn’t see a response .
    any ideas?

  14. @Erbkaiser

    I had to original post about the update. I replaced followed you script, stopping twonky first and I used your .sh script. Im not getting anything coming up. I forgot to add im using the dlink 320. Thanks for your help

  15. I wanted to chime in as well, I’ve followed the above listed steps for 7.0 and have the exact same problem. Everything reports back fine during install, but visiting the configuration page leads to a web error (meaning it isn’t working). Version 6.0.39 works perfectly.


  16. Uli, please help our lost souls 🙂
    Installing Twonky v7 would allow us to browse our files remotely (in a nicest way than through the HTML portal available in v6 ;))

  17. I am in a worse situation. all you guys have already got it working under 6.x , I can’t even get that far 🙁

  18. Hello – I’m on DNS320 with v6.0.39 successfully installed (again) after yesterday and today attempted to install that failed v7.0.5. I noticed there are plenty of files differences between ZIP of v6.0.39 and v7.0.5 even both for KuroBox-Pro one. I will try to follow this stated guide for v7.0.5 which I didnt just now ;)) Will let you know. Thanks.

  19. Confirmed failed too on DNS-320 :)) Hahaha!
    I just did follow the guide, but failed peacefully….. Added one the lost-soul here.
    Cheers – Arc.

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