Syntax Highlighting with nano – nanorc for debian

## syntax highlighting for /etc/apt/sources.list
syntax "apt/sources.list" "sources\.list(\.old|~)?$"
# component
color brightmagenta "^deb(-src)? ((http|file|ftp):/[^ ]+|cdrom:\[[^\]]+\]/|cdrom:\[[a-zA-Z0-9\._-\(\) ]+\]/) [^ ]+ .+$"
# distribution
color brightred "^deb(-src)? ((http|file|ftp):/[^ ]+|cdrom:\[[^\]]+\]/|cdrom:\[[a-zA-Z0-9\._-\(\) ]+\]/) [^ ]+"
color brightgreen "(http|file|ftp):/[^ ]+"
# cdroms
# [^\]] does not work…
color brightgreen "cdrom:\[[a-zA-Z0-9\._-\(\) ]+\]/"
# deb / deb-src
color cyan "^deb"
color brightblue "^deb-src"
# comments
color brightyellow "#.*"

Syntax Highlighting with nano – nanorc for css

# Syntax highlighting for CSS files
# Author:  Simon Rupf, simon.rupf(a)
# License: GPL 2  or later
# Version: 2005-02-14
syntax "css" "\.css$"
color brightred     "."
color brightyellow  start="\{" end="\}"
color brightwhite   start=":" end="[;^\{]"
color brightblue    ":active|:focus|:hover|:link|:visited|:link|:after|:before|$"
color brightblue    start="\/\*" end="\\*/"
color green         ";|:|\{|\}"

Syntax Highlighting with nano – nanorc for conky

## Conky config highlighting
syntax "Conky" ".conkyrc$"
color brightblue "(use_spacer|background|use_xft|xftfont|xftalpha)"
color brightblue "(mail_spool|update_interval|own_window)"
color brightblue "(double_buffer|minimum_size)"
color brightblue "(draw_(outline|borders|shades)|stippled_borders)"
color brightblue "border_(margin|width)"
color brightblue "default_((shade_|outline_)?color)"
color brightblue "(alignment|gap_x|gap_y|no_buffers|uppercase)"
color brightblue "^TEXT[[:space:]]*$"
color brightred "[[:space:]]+(yes|no)[[:space:]]*"
color brightred "(top_left|top_right|bottom_left|bottom_right)[[:space:]]*$"
color magenta "[[:space:]]+([[:space:]]*([0-9]\.?))+[[:space:]]*"
color brightred "\$\{?[a-zA-Z_0-9\# ]+\}?"
color green "^[[:space:]]*#.*"
color white "[[:space:]]+\#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}"

Syntax Highlighting with nano – nanorc for configfiles

### all *conf files  (e.g. make.conf, xorg.conf, grub.conf, make.globals, Xfce files...)
syntax "configfiles" "(\.|/|)conf$" "(\.|/|)ample$" "(\.|/|)globals$" "xfce.*$" "syslog-ng" "sudoers"
color brightwhite "\<(alias)\>"
color blue "<(\\.|[^'])*>"
color magenta "[a-zA-Z0-9\_]+="
color white ">(\\.|[^'><])*</"
color green "//.*$"
color red ""(\\.|[^\"])*""
color red "title.*$" "\<(server)\>" "\<(logfile)\>" "\<(driftfile)\>" "\<(restrict)\>"
color white ":unscaled" "http\:\/\/" "ftp\:\/\/" "rsync\:\/\/"
color magenta "'(\\.|[^'])*'"
color brightwhite "[0-9]"
color brightwhite "[<>]"
color magenta "Section" "EndSection" "SubSection" "EndSubSection"
color red "\<(root)\>"
color brightred,blue "^.*-->" start="<!--.*" end="$"
color green "#.*$" start="<!--" end="-->"

Syntax Highlighting with nano – nanorc for config3

### even more config files ;-)
syntax "config3" "iptables" "ntp.*$" "rsyncd" "xfs" "saslauthd" "timidity" "net.*$" "hdparm" "esound" "login.*$"
color red "/.*$" "http\:\/\/.*$" ""(\\.|[^\"])*"" "\<(server)\>" "\<(logfile)\>""\<(driftfile)\>"
color white ":unscaled" "http\:\/\/" "ftp\:\/\/" "rsync\:\/\/"
color blue "setenv|export"
color brightwhite "[0-9]"
color green "#.*$"

Syntax Highlighting with nano – nanorc for config2

### more config files
syntax "config2" "(\.|/|)env$" "(\.|/|)server.$" "hosts" "gpm" "local.*$" "bootsplash" "crypto-loop"
color red "/.*$" "http\:\/\/.*$"
color white ":unscaled"
color blue "setenv|export"
color brightwhite "[0-9]"
color green "#.*$"
color white "http\:\/\/" "ftp\:\/\/" "rsync\:\/\/"

Syntax Highlighting with nano – nanorc for conf

# Generic *.conf file syntax highlighting
syntax "conf" "\.(c(onf|nf|fg))$"
# string
icolor yellow ""(\\.|[^"])*""
# variable name & value
icolor brightyellow start="=" end="$"
icolor magenta start="(^|[[:space:]])[0-9a-z-]" end="="
# bracket/parenthesis
icolor brightred "(^|[[:space:]])((\[|\()[0-9a-z_!@#$%^&*-]+(\]|\)))"
# number
color green "[[:space:]][0-9.KM]+"
# comment
color cyan start="(^|[[:space:]])(#|;).*$" end="$"
color brightblue "(^|[[:space:]])(#|;)"

Syntax Highlighting with nano – nanorc for clike

## Here is an example for C/C++.
syntax "clike" "\.(m|pch)$"
color brightred "\<[A-Z_][0-9A-Z_]+\>" 
color green "\<(float|double|bool|char|int|short|long|sizeof|enum|void|static|const|struct|union|typedef|extern|(un)?signed|inline)\>"
color green "\<((s?size)|((u_?)?int(8|16|32|64|ptr)))_t\>"
color green "\<(class|namespace|template|public|protected|private|typename|this|friend|virtual|using|mutable|volatile|register|explicit)\>"
color brightyellow "\<(for|if|while|do|else|case|default|switch)\>"
color brightyellow "\<(try|throw|catch|operator|new|delete)\>"
color magenta "\<(goto|continue|break|return)\>"
color brightcyan "^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*(define|include|(un|ifn?)def|endif|el(if|se)|if|warning|error)"
color brightmagenta "'([^'\]|(\\["'abfnrtv\\]))'" "'\\(([0-3]?[0-7]{1,2}))'" "'\\x[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,2}'"
## GCC builtins
color cyan "__attribute__[[:space:]]*\(\([^)]*\)\)" "__(aligned|asm|builtin|hidden|inline|packed|restrict|section|typeof|weak)__"
## String highlighting.  You will in general want your comments and
## strings to come last, because syntax highlighting rules will be
## applied in the order they are read in.
color brightyellow "<[^= 	]*>" ""(\\.|[^"])*""
## This string is VERY resource intensive!
color brightyellow start=""(\\.|[^"])*\\[[:space:]]*$" end="^(\\.|[^"])*""
## Comment highlighting
color brightblue "//.*"
color brightblue start="/\*" end="\*/"

Syntax Highlighting with nano – nanorc for changelogs

## Changelog file syntax
syntax "changelogs" "ChangeLog*$" "HISTORY$" "NEWS$"
color green "\+"
color red "\-"
color brightwhite "[0-9]"
color brightblue "[0-9][0-9]\:[0-9][0-9]\:[0-9][0-9]"
color blue "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\-[0-9][0-9]\-[0-9][0-9]"
color blue "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\/[0-9][0-9]\/[0-9][0-9]"
color blue "\<(CEST|CET|CST||CDT|EDT)\>"
color yellow "[0-9]\..*$"
color cyan "\*.*$"
color brightblue "\<(pre.*$|beta.*$|rc.*$|release.*$)\>"
color green "#.*$"
icolor brightred "^[[:space:]]*[.0-9A-Z_]*:"
color magenta "[.0-9A-Za-z_]*[[:space:]]*[.0-9A-Za-z_]*[[:space:]]<"
color brightyellow  "<(\\.|[^\"])*>"
color brightwhite "commit[[:space:]]*[.0-9A-Z_]*$"