## Here is an example for assembler. ## syntax "asm" "\.(S|s|asm)$" color red "\<[A-Z_]{2,}\>" color brightgreen "\.(data|subsection|text)" color green "\.(align|file|globl|global|hidden|section|size|type|weak)" color brightyellow "\.(ascii|asciz|byte|double|float|hword|int|long|short|single|struct|word)" icolor brightred "^[[:space:]]*[.0-9A-Z_]*:" color brightcyan "^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*(define|undef|include|ifn?def|endif|elif|else|if|warning|error)" ## Highlight strings (note: VERY resource intensive) color brightyellow "<[^= ]*>" ""(\\.|[^"])*"" color brightyellow start=""(\\.|[^"])*\\[[:space:]]*$" end="^(\\.|[^"])*"" ## Highlight comments color brightblue "//.*" color brightblue start="/\*" end="\*/"
Author: admin
Syntax Highlighting with nano – nanorc for vhost
## Apache httpd.conf highlighting ## #how to add sites-enabled files? "default" is too generic to keep in here I think syntax "vhost" "(\.|/|)vhost\.conf" color brightwhite "(ServerRoot|(Lock|Pid)File|Timeout|(Max)?KeepAlive(Requests|Timeout)?)" color brightwhite "(User|Group|LogFormat|ErrorLog|Include|(Script)?Alias)" color brightwhite "(ErrorDocument|AccessFileName|UseCanonicalName|TypesConfig|DefaultType)" color brightwhite "(HostnameLookups|IndexOptions|(Readme|Header)Name|LanguagePriority)" color brightwhite "(AddIcon(ByEncoding|ByType)?|DefaultIcon|IndexIgnore|BrowserMatch)" color brightwhite "(Add(Encoding|Language|(Default)?Charset|Type|Handler)|DirectoryIndex)" color brightwhite "(DocumentRoot|Server(Admin|Signature)|LogLevel|CustomLog)" color brightwhite "((Force)?LanguagePriority|NameVirtualHost)" color brightyellow "(SetHandler|Order|Deny|Allow|SetOutputFilter)" color yellow "(AllowOverride|FileInfo|AuthConfig|Limit)" color yellow "([^A-Z0-9a-z]Options|Indexes|(\+|\-)?SymLinksIfOwnerMatch)" color yellow "(Includes(NoExec)?|(\+|\-)?MultiViews)" color yellow "(None|allow,deny|deny,allow|(allow)? from (all)?|Prefer|Fallback)" color yellow "(Add(Handler|OutputFilter)|NumServers|AcceptMutex)" color yellow "((Min|Max)Spare(Threads|Servers)|Start(Threads|Servers))" color yellow "(MaxClients|(Max)?ThreadsPerChild|MaxRequestsPerChild)" color yellow "(FancyIndexing|VersionSort|ExecCGI|FollowSymLinks)" color brightred "(On|Off)[[:space:]]*$" color brightred "[[:space:]]+(debug|info|notice|warn|error|crit|alert|emerg)[[:space:]]*$" color brightred "[[:space:]]+(combined|common|referer|agent)[[:space:]]*$" color brightred "[[:space:]]+(redirect\-carefully|nokeepalive)[[:space:]]*" color brightred "[[:space:]]+(force\-response\-1\.0)[[:space:]]*" color brightred "[[:space:]]+(downgrade\-1\.0)[[:space:]]*" color brightred "[[:space:]]+application/[a-zA-Z\-]+[[:space:]]*" color brightred "[[:space:]]+type-map[[:space:]]*" color magenta "[[:space:]]+[0-9]+[[:space:]]*" color magenta "(/)?(2[0-5]{2}|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9])(\.(2[0-5]{2}|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])){3}([[:space:]]+::(2[0-5]{2}|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])/(2[0-5]{2}|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9]))?" color brightcyan start="<" end=">" color white ""(\\.|[^\"])*"" # Unix-based paths # can't use \] in the regex for some reason?!? Maybe a bug? # this is preventing a 100% "to the end of the line" match for a few # lines (the trailing characters from ] to the EOL are not highlighted. # if anyone knows how to make it work, let me know.. ;) color white "[[:space:]]+(/[/\[\^#A-Za-z0-9\.\*\_\-]+)+" color green "^[[:space:]]*#.*" color cyan "\<(ServerName|Serveralias|DocumentRoot|DirectoryIndex|ErrorLog|CustomLog)\>"
Syntax Highlighting with nano – nanorc for Apache
## Apache httpd.conf highlighting ## #how to add sites-enabled files? "default" is too generic to keep in here I think syntax "Apache2" "apache2\.conf$" "httpd\.conf$" "default" color brightwhite "(ServerRoot|(Lock|Pid)File|Timeout|(Max)?KeepAlive(Requests|Timeout)?)" color brightwhite "(User|Group|LogFormat|ErrorLog|Include|(Script)?Alias)" color brightwhite "(ErrorDocument|AccessFileName|UseCanonicalName|TypesConfig|DefaultType)" color brightwhite "(HostnameLookups|IndexOptions|(Readme|Header)Name|LanguagePriority)" color brightwhite "(AddIcon(ByEncoding|ByType)?|DefaultIcon|IndexIgnore|BrowserMatch)" color brightwhite "(Add(Encoding|Language|(Default)?Charset|Type|Handler)|DirectoryIndex)" color brightwhite "(DocumentRoot|Server(Admin|Signature)|LogLevel|CustomLog)" color brightwhite "((Force)?LanguagePriority|NameVirtualHost)" color yellow "(SetHandler|Order|Deny|Allow|SetOutputFilter)" color yellow "(AllowOverride|FileInfo|AuthConfig|Limit)" color yellow "([^A-Z0-9a-z]Options|Indexes|(\+|\-)?SymLinksIfOwnerMatch)" color yellow "(Includes(NoExec)?|(\+|\-)?MultiViews)" color yellow "(None|allow,deny|deny,allow|(allow)? from (all)?|Prefer|Fallback)" color yellow "(Add(Handler|OutputFilter)|NumServers|AcceptMutex)" color yellow "((Min|Max)Spare(Threads|Servers)|Start(Threads|Servers))" color yellow "(MaxClients|(Max)?ThreadsPerChild|MaxRequestsPerChild)" color yellow "(FancyIndexing|VersionSort|ExecCGI|FollowSymLinks)" color brightred "(On|Off)[[:space:]]*$" color brightred "[[:space:]]+(debug|info|notice|warn|error|crit|alert|emerg)[[:space:]]*$" color brightred "[[:space:]]+(combined|common|referer|agent)[[:space:]]*$" color brightred "[[:space:]]+(redirect\-carefully|nokeepalive)[[:space:]]*" color brightred "[[:space:]]+(force\-response\-1\.0)[[:space:]]*" color brightred "[[:space:]]+(downgrade\-1\.0)[[:space:]]*" color brightred "[[:space:]]+application/[a-zA-Z\-]+[[:space:]]*" color brightred "[[:space:]]+type-map[[:space:]]*" color magenta "[[:space:]]+[0-9]+[[:space:]]*" color magenta "(/)?(2[0-5]{2}|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9])(\.(2[0-5]{2}|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])){3}([[:space:]]+::(2[0-5]{2}|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])/(2[0-5]{2}|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9]))?" color brightcyan start="<" end=">" color white ""(\\.|[^\"])*"" # Unix-based paths # can't use \] in the regex for some reason?!? Maybe a bug? # this is preventing a 100% "to the end of the line" match for a few # lines (the trailing characters from ] to the EOL are not highlighted. # if anyone knows how to make it work, let me know.. ;) color white "[[:space:]]+(/[/\[\^#A-Za-z0-9\.\*\_\-]+)+" color green "^[[:space:]]*#.*"
Output of /proc/meminfo on the D-Link DNS-313
Here the output of cat cat /proc/meminfo
on the D-Link DNS-313:
MemTotal: 62472 kB MemFree: 3312 kB Buffers: 4672 kB Cached: 11256 kB SwapCached: 212 kB Active: 26092 kB Inactive: 4512 kB HighTotal: 0 kB HighFree: 0 kB LowTotal: 62472 kB LowFree: 3312 kB SwapTotal: 506008 kB SwapFree: 502796 kB Dirty: 4 kB Writeback: 0 kB Mapped: 22620 kB Slab: 25956 kB CommitLimit: 537244 kB Committed_AS: 54548 kB PageTables: 576 kB VmallocTotal: 188416 kB VmallocUsed: 860 kB VmallocChunk: 187388 kB
Output of /proc/cpuinfo on the D-Link DNS-313
Here the output of cat cat /proc/cpuinfo
on the D-Link DNS-313:
Processor : FA526id(wb) rev 1 (v4l) BogoMIPS : 231.01 Features : swp half CPU implementer : 0x66 CPU architecture: 4 CPU variant : 0x0 CPU part : 0x526 CPU revision : 1 Cache type : write-back Cache clean : cp15 c7 ops Cache lockdown : format B Cache format : Harvard I size : 16384 I assoc : 2 I line length : 16 I sets : 512 D size : 8192 D assoc : 2 D line length : 16 D sets : 256 Hardware : GeminiA Revision : 0000 Serial : 0000000000000000
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-09
- gnuplot: Added 4.4.2 #funplug (Tweet)
- mysql: Updated to 5.1.54-2 (Fixes a Bug: PHP wasn't able to include mysql.so due to missing link) #funplug (Tweet)
- lighttpd: Added 1.4.28 with fixes for the DNS-320 #funplug (Tweet)
- php: Updated to 5.2.17 (now includes my php.ini with some fixes) #funplug (Tweet)
Output of /proc/cpuinfo on the D-Link DNS-343
Here the output of cat cat /proc/cpuinfo
on the D-Link DNS-343:
Processor : ARM926EJ-Sid(wb) rev 0 (v5l) BogoMIPS : 499.71 Features : swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp CPU implementer : 0x41 CPU architecture: 5TEJ CPU variant : 0x0 CPU part : 0x926 CPU revision : 0 Cache type : write-back Cache clean : cp15 c7 ops Cache lockdown : format C Cache format : Harvard I size : 32768 I assoc : 1 I line length : 32 I sets : 1024 D size : 32768 D assoc : 4 D line length : 32 D sets : 256 Hardware : Feroceon Revision : 0000 Serial : 0000000000000000
Transfer rate and Networkperformance of the D-Link DNS-320
After unpacking the D-Link DNS-320 i checked the performance of the DNS-320 in the Network. All these measurements were done in my home environment so be careful to see them as representative.
Continue reading Transfer rate and Networkperformance of the D-Link DNS-320
Installation of Twonkymedia Server 6 on the Conceptronic CH3MNAS and the D-Link DNS-320, DNS-321, DNS-325 and DNS-343
This tutorial is deprecated, please use the tutorial for the current version.
If you need an advanced Mediaserver, Twonky is one of the best choices. The Problem is that the installation of Twonkymedia Server 6 is a little bit more complicated than just running a Setup. Before you go on, please make sure that the Fonz fun_plug is installed. The following article has only been tested on the following devices:
- Conceptronic CH3MNAS
- D-Link DNS-320
- D-Link DNS-321 (thank you thatdude!)
- D-Link DNS-325
- D-Link DNS-343
It will definitely not work on the CH3SNAS, CH3HNAS and DNS-323, please use this tutorial for these devices. If you want to update to the newest version of twonky (and if you’ve already followed this article in the past), then check this out.
Continue reading Installation of Twonkymedia Server 6 on the Conceptronic CH3MNAS and the D-Link DNS-320, DNS-321, DNS-325 and DNS-343
Flashing the Conceptronic CH3SNAS with the Firmware of the D-Link DNS-323
A while back, Conceptronic has decided to discontinue the CH3SNAS to concentrate on the CH3MNAS and CH3HNAS. Unfortunately users of the CH3SNAS are now stuck with an old firmware and are jealous of the DNS-323 users which get regular updates for their nearly identical device. But luckily there is a way to flash the DNS-323-Firmware on the CH3SNAS so that these users can participate in the run for new features.
Continue reading Flashing the Conceptronic CH3SNAS with the Firmware of the D-Link DNS-323