Flashing the Conceptronic CH3SNAS with the Firmware of the D-Link DNS-323

German version of this tutorialA while back, Conceptronic has decided to discontinue the CH3SNAS to concentrate on the CH3MNAS and CH3HNAS. Unfortunately users of the CH3SNAS are now stuck with an old firmware and are jealous of the DNS-323 users which get regular updates for their nearly identical device. But luckily there is a way to flash the DNS-323-Firmware on the CH3SNAS so that these users can participate in the run for new features.


With the following tutorial you can seriously damage your Device if you do not follow the steps below correctly. I won’t be responsible for any damage to your device or dataloss during the operation! Please do not ask D-Link for support of your CH3SNAS! If you still have warranty, you should try to build the missing options with fun_plug instead of changing to the D-Link-Firmware!

With that being said, the journey begins with the download of the following file:


This file will to be flashed using the standard way of flashing within the interface. If you run the Fonz fun_plug on the device, please read this article first before flashing.

Unpack the downloaded File and read through the Files in the ZIP-File. Then goto the Webinterface of the CH3SNAS, choose “Tools” then “Firmware”. Upload the Firmwarefile to the NAS. The NAS will flash the file as shown below and, after booting, will show itself as a DNS-323 with Firmwareversion 1.09. Now do a reset to factory settings. If the Device doesn’t come up immediately, press and hold the reset-button on the back of the device for about 10 seconds until the upper LED on the Front starts flashing. Release the button then.
Firmware flashingFirmware flashedFirmware of the DNS-323

Now you are running the Firmware of the DNS-323 on your Device. If you want to go back to the CH3SNAS-Firmware, download this File and flash it accordingly:
Firmware flashingFirmware flashed

For advanced users, this is the way how i created the files:

CH3SNAS to DNS-323:

wget http://hezmatt.org/~mpalmer/darcs/dns323-firmware-tools.trunk/mkdns323fw
wget http://hezmatt.org/~mpalmer/darcs/dns323-firmware-tools.trunk/splitdns323fw
chmod a+x mkdns323fw splitdns323fw
wget ftp://ftp.dlink.com/Multimedia/dns323/Firmware/dns323_fw_109.zip
unzip dns323_fw_109.zip
./splitdns323fw dns323_fw_109/dns323_fw_109 -k kernel.bin -i initrd.bin -d defaults.tar.gz
./mkdns323fw -k kernel.bin -i initrd.bin -d defaults.tar.gz -c 2 -m 1 -p 7 -s FrodoII -o CH3SNAS_to_DNS-323_fw_109

DNS-323 to CH3SNAS:

wget http://files.nas-tweaks.net/conceptronic_ch3snas/firmware/pre-releases/CH3SNAS.105b05.zip
unzip CH3SNAS.105b05.zip
./splitdns323fw CH3SNAS.1.05b05 -k kernel.bin -i initrd.bin -d defaults.tar.gz
./mkdns323fw -k kernel.bin -i initrd.bin -d defaults.tar.gz -c 1 -m 1 -p 7 -s FrodoII -o DNS-323_to_CH3SNAS_fw_105b5

20 thoughts on “Flashing the Conceptronic CH3SNAS with the Firmware of the D-Link DNS-323”

  1. Hi guys,

    Thanks for the informational website. Just one questions.
    I am running the 1.05b5 firmware of Conceptronic with a raid 1 (2x 1,5 GB).
    Can I leave my files on my HD’s while flashing or is this tricky?

    I most cenrtainly do not want to loose my music and video files….


    1. Hello Fastbob,

      yes, you can flash the new firmware whilst having your data on the harddisks. It’s more or less a “normal” Firmwareupdate, the D-Link-Firmware will recognize the RAID. Nevertheless, do a backup 😉

      Best Regards,

    1. Hi AM,
      sorry, but the CH3HNAS and the DNS-323 are very different, you can’t flash the firmware of the DNS-323 to the CH3HNAS.


  2. I did the flash but now i cant get to the web login what to do
    Twonky server 6 is running on there no problems
    Is there some one with a good idee???

      1. Thanks it worked .
        But i think it does not realy add somthing if im wrong please let me know

        Greetz. Michel

  3. Hi, I would like to know if after putting the D-Link firm on Conceptronic, it could be updated with D-Link updates.

    Thanks in advance

  4. Hi,
    After flashing and rebooting I am not able to access the NAS anymore with teh web login….
    Any idea?

    1. Hi Rob,

      can you access the webinterface? Did you reset the device to factory settings? (maybe via the button on the back!)

      Best Regards,

      1. Hi Uli,
        I just used the search utility from D-link, apparently it had another IP address assigned …so it’s working now. 🙂 Thanks!

  5. I’ve got a CH3SNAS and want to flash it now to DNS-323. With the prepared files, I get FW revision 1.09. Then I can update with the files from D-Link to the current release. The problem is: two different hardware revisions (A and C) are provided at https://support.dlink.com/ProductInfo.aspx?m=DNS-323
    Which D-Link hardware revision correspondent to the CH3SNAS?

  6. Hi, im having a problem with the certificate, anyone knows how to solve ?

    Reply: 234 AUTH TLS OK.

    Status: Performing TLS handshake…

    Status: TLS handshake successful, verifying certificate…

    Status: Received 1 certificates from server.

    Status: cert[0]: subject=’C=US,ST=California,L=Fountain Valley,CN=′ issuer=’C=US,ST=California,L=Fountain Valley,CN=′

    Error: Certificate verification failed: The certificate is NOT trusted. The certificate chain uses insecure algorithm.

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